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How Professional Snow Removal Can Keep Your Home Or Business Safe Through Winter

How pro roof snow removal keeps roof safe

If you've lived in New Hampshire for at least a year or more, then you're likely familiar with just how harsh the winter weather can be. It consistently ranks in the top ten snowiest states in the US, and with so much heavy snow, it's important to understand how to keep your property safe throughout the season. Hiring a roofing contractor to remove excess snow and prevent ice dams will go a long way towards preventing an extensive variety of problems, so keep reading to learn a little more about this essential service and how it can help protect you and your property.

The team here at Five Star Roofing LLC provides expert roof snow removal at an affordable price, so give us a call at 603-353-0770 today to get started. We work with both homes and businesses in Dover and the surrounding communities, so feel free to get in touch with us for all your roofing needs and more!

What Does Professional Roof Snow Removal Entail?

Professional roof snow removal entails raking excess snow from your rooftop. Most roofs can only handle about twenty pounds of snow per square inch, and anything beyond that can cause damage to both your home or business and the rooftop itself. And while you can certainly attempt to rake snow on your own, it isn't generally recommended because of the dangers involved. An expert roofing contractor will have the necessary training and experience to safely perform this service, and you'll always get the very best results when working with a pro.

How Can Excess Snow Affect The Safety Of My Property?

Hiring a professional roofing contractor for a roof snow removal service is one of the best ways to prevent damage to your home or business during the winter months. Excess snow on your rooftop doesn't stop at causing damage to the roof itself, and the damage can quickly extend to other areas of your property. It's always better to prevent these issues from occurring than having to deal with the aftermath, and the first step towards prevention is knowing what can happen when snow is left to pile up over time.

Here are just a few serious problems that expert roof snow removal can help prevent:

  • Ice dams and icicles that cause damage to your gutter system
  • Excess water damage to the structure of your home or business
  • Roof caves, collapses, and other damage
Roof Background Image

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